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Civility in Legal Practice: Why it Matters

Practicing law can be inherently adversarial. Attorneys are confronted with uncivil behavior from opposing counsel, clients, colleagues, and even judges. The question is, how should they respond? And what impact might these uncivil behaviors have on their practice and the public’s perception of the justice system?

This one-hour CLE features a panel discussion on these topics from the Commission’s 2023 Future Is Now: Legal Services conference. The panelists include American Bar Association President (2022-23) Deborah Enix-Ross, Illinois Appellate Court Justice Sharon O. Johnson, and attorney Nathan Hinch of Meyer Capel.

CLE hours : 1 PR Type: Civility

  • Civility in Legal Practice: Why it Matters
  • “Civility in Legal Practice: Why it Matters” CLE Credit Form
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year