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Mental Health and Substance Abuse

High-Performing and Highly Stressed: How Attorneys Can Prioritize Mental Health

Attorneys are constantly working. Many are not sleeping or taking care of their health and feel the need to be perfect or at least excellent at all times in all areas of life: as employees, colleagues, parents, friends, children, and even acquaintances.

In this one-hour CLE, Kara Hardin, a mental health educator, registered psychotherapist, and former practicing corporate and securities lawyer, explores the complicated relationship between the lifestyle lawyers lead and their mental health.

Hardin also shares individual and organizational strategies to navigate the big and small challenges associated with the high-performing legal profession.

CLE hours : 1 PR Type: MHSA

  • High-Performing and Highly Stressed: How Attorneys Can Prioritize Mental Health
  • High Performing and Highly Stressed Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year